Sunday, April 14, 2013

Nutritious Recipes for would be mothers!!!!!!!!

Most of the women wonder what to eat when they have their precious ones growing in their womb. Well the answer is eat a variety of foods which include all the food groups in the right amount. 
Any food that you choose needs to be nutritionally balanced, and should be fortified with some essential ingredients which would take care of your micro-nutrient needs.
Just to give you example here are some useful and easy to make recipes:

  • If you have cravings for chocolate: try to make a chocolate shaped light snack with dates, almonds and coconut powder. Take seedless dates, make a small round with one almond inserted in it, roll the ball in dessicated coconut powder. Wrap it up like a chocolate and take it with you wherever u go: Especially office-goers can definitely try this. 

  • Lettuce salad: Take 4-5 lettuce leaves. Wash thoroughly. Cut them the way you like. Add 1/2 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp honey, salt to taste. Add 4-5 pieces of apple, 2-3 almonds. Sprinkle with roasted sesame and flax seeds. This can be taken as a small snack in between your meals.

In addition to this have lots of fluids in the form of, tender coconut water, fruit juices, warm soups, buttermilk,   flavored milk, porridge  etc to avoid dehydration and also constipation which may be a common problem especially in the 2nd and third trimester.

Friday, February 22, 2013

  •     Morning Sickness/Nausea and Vomiting

Many women experience nausea and vomiting during their pregnancy. 

That's because changes in hormones can make you feel sick to your stomach. 
 Certain smells and movements can make the nausea worse.
 The good news is that the nausea usually disappears after the first trimester.                                

     Coping Nausea/Vomiting

*     Take iron supplements along with food and not empty stomach.

*    Dry snacks like cream crackers/ biscuits/ mithai /sweets would help reduce nausea.
*    Reduce citrus, spearmint, peppermint. Avoid Caffeine.
*    Eat small low-fat meals and snacks.
*    Avoid lying down immediately after eating or drinking.
*    Take a walk atleast 100 steps after meals.
*    Use ginger and lime in food to avoid nausea.
*    Avoid colas, alcohol and smoking.
*    Eat slowly, take the time to chew well.