Friday, February 22, 2013

  •     Morning Sickness/Nausea and Vomiting

Many women experience nausea and vomiting during their pregnancy. 

That's because changes in hormones can make you feel sick to your stomach. 
 Certain smells and movements can make the nausea worse.
 The good news is that the nausea usually disappears after the first trimester.                                

     Coping Nausea/Vomiting

*     Take iron supplements along with food and not empty stomach.

*    Dry snacks like cream crackers/ biscuits/ mithai /sweets would help reduce nausea.
*    Reduce citrus, spearmint, peppermint. Avoid Caffeine.
*    Eat small low-fat meals and snacks.
*    Avoid lying down immediately after eating or drinking.
*    Take a walk atleast 100 steps after meals.
*    Use ginger and lime in food to avoid nausea.
*    Avoid colas, alcohol and smoking.
*    Eat slowly, take the time to chew well.