Iron rich foods: Boost your intake by eating lean red meat, dark poultry, lentils, spinach, almonds, and iron-fortified cereals.
Foods rich in Vit
C: Include Citrus fruits, Lemon, Tomatoes, Amla, Brocolli in
your daily diet.
Green Tea: Excellent antioxidant, aids in weight
Shatavari /Asparagus : Maintains healthy state of hormone balance naturally. Excellent galactogogue, relieves hot flashes, regularises menses.
Whole Grains: Include a variety of whole grains, beans, and legumes to give you filling fiber and keep you going throughout the day.
Green Leafy Vegetables: High in fibre, iron, calcium and folic acid.
Nuts: Vitamin E rich protects cell damage. Rich in fiber and magnesium, help regulate blood sugar.
Water : Natural Cleansing Agent, prevents dehydration and acidity problems.
Soy Protein:
Rich in Isoflavones,
essential phytoestrogens for
cardiac and menopausal health.
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